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Before Japan became "Japan", it was called "Wa-koku". My work is a creation of a fantasy story set in that Wa-koku. ---- The inspiration for this story came from a Shinto tale, "Hotsumatsutae," written in the Edo period (1603-1868). This tale has not received due recognition in Japan as a "fake book. -------- The content of "Hotsumatatsutae" is a foundation myth based on "Nihon Shoki" and "Kojiki," Japan's official history, interwoven with ideas from Ise Shintoism, Taoism, Yin-Yang Taoism, Shugendo, and other religions. ---- The story, written entirely in waka poetry, is difficult to understand and has been unfavorably used by cults of worship and by political propagandists because it is a national founding myth. ---- It is a beautiful and skillful story from a literary point of view, but it is a pity that the current situation is so harshly criticized. -------- Rather than this unfortunate story, I have chosen to focus on the character of "Achi-hiko" and make him the protagonist. He corresponds to the deity called "Ame-no-Yatukokoro-Omoikane-no-mikoto" in the Chronicles. He was the trusted confidant of Amaterasu, the Japanese sun god, and the organizer of the most famous of all Japanese creation myths, the Ame-no-iwado. ---- I plan to make a biographical work about his life by arranging the events related to him in chronological order as much as possible, like a historical drama, and the general shape of the work is already in place. ---- The story I am trying to tell is centered on the emotions of Atichiko, and I am using lyricism to fill in the blanks of the episodes to make the epic come to life. I am trying to create a universal work that can be enjoyed even by those who are not good at history. ---- I hope to create a place of relief called literature in this work.